DR. MADAN G. GANDHI PRESIDENT GANDHI EARTH VISION FOUNDATION DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILIZATIONS Dialogue as a method of cultural discourse has a hoary antiquity. It was a most favoured method of philosophical disquisition with the vedic and upanishidic seers who employed it for advancement of knowledge, enrichment of culture and refinement of philosophical reflections. It was a means of discovering the ultimate reality and of knowing the essence of things. Dialogue admitted of confr...
Madan G. Gandhi President, Gandhi Earth Vision Foundation Iraq War : Bush's game plan Bush's avowed objective in invading Iraq was to bring about 'a regime change' in Baghdad and the invasion was termed as a 'preemptive attack' against the rogue state supposedly in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Indeed the real motive was to safeguard the present interest in the entire Middle East and control the oil reserves in the region. It is the new hegemonist face of Bush's p...